четверг, 15 июля 2010 г.

Братская могила из 51 лошади обнаружена в Нидерландах

An archeologist works to uncover horse skeletons in Borgharen, south-east Netherlands, Wednesday, June 30, 2010. Archeologists in the Netherlands have come across a unique find, complete skeletons of 51 horses buried in a row, probably the long-forgotten equine victims of a 17th century battle. The skeletons were uncovered in a drainage ditch near the Maas river, 3 kilometers (2 miles) north of Maastricht. (AP Photo/Ermindo Armino)
(AP) -- Archeologists have uncovered a mass grave with the complete skeletons of 51 horses buried side-by-side, probably the long-forgotten equine victims of a 17th century battle over a strategic Dutch river.

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